Blog Post

the joy of june!

  • by Claire Clulow
  • 10 Jun, 2018

the magical month of fertility and abundance

This month is full of magic everywhere! The Earth is getting warmer, the flowers are blooming and Midsummer's Day is approaching! Can you believe it? Misummer already?!

June is a wonderful month full of fertility, abundance and celebrations. 

Here are some  notable dates for your diary


New Moon - Wednesday 13th June @ 20.43 BST

Birthday of the Muses - 14th June

Summer Solstice – Litha -  21st June

Full Moon in Cancer - Strawberry Moon - Thursday 28th June @ 05.53 BST


for moon times in your part of the world, check out



We're about to head into a New Moon phase, marking the beginning of new beginnings, projects and endeavours.


This New Moon falls in the airy sign of Gemini at a sacred point in the year, a time where we can really reflect on the changes we have made in our lives and what journey we are taking.


New Moon a time to reflect on what has happened and contemplate on what is next. It does not matter where life has taken you or where you are right now, the New Moon can guide you where you want to go and that it’s never too late to start anew, whatever that may look like.


Gemini is ruled by Mercury whose energy is all about self-expression, speaking your truth, and finding your creativity. Gemini energy encourages us to deliberate so we can understand which of our thoughts are true and which stem from our fears.


Our thoughts influence how we experience and see the world and can overpower our lives if we don’t keep them under control. Focusing on what is in our control, rather than what is not, and being aware of your feelings, thoughts, and actions, can help us feel more at peace with life and open us up to new possibilities. At any time, you can choose to replace negative thoughts and beliefs with more positive ones. It is time to reflect on the stories that we keep telling ourselves and what thoughts are preventing us from moving forward.


Gemini energy is also about communication, so journaling and writing down your thoughts and feelings can help here.


For more help on this, check out

Yoga can help you reflect on your journey too, here’s a restorative practice that you can download to follow.


Use this New Moon energy to get in touch with your truth, and find your loving, kind, and peaceful inner voice. Clear away any negativity that is blocking you from moving forward so that you can create the new beginnings you want in your life.



In Greek tradition, the Goddess Mnemosyne gave birth to the Muses, fathered by her nephew Zeus, on this day– the nine creative spirit children that give our lives so much beauty, song, stories, tradition, humour, dance, and sacred music. Greeks sometimes worshiped Mnemosyne in the form of a spring, referring to her profuse, flowing energy. Mnemosyne is the Greek Goddess of memory and remembrance is her gift to us, the memories of all the wonderful moments of our lives.



Litha is celebrated on 21st June. Litha, meaning light, is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. It is the peak of the Solar year and the Sun is at the height of its life-giving power. The Earth is overflowing with fertility and abundance and this is a time of joy and celebration, of expansiveness and the celebration of achievements.


This midsummer festival involved feasts and dancing as well as rituals of lighting bonfires, usually on hill tops to symbolise the sun being at its highest point, and lighting wheels of fire which were rolled down the hill to symbolise the sun’s eventual decent back into darkness with the nights become longer. June is the month of the Oak and the traditional wood for burning to represent the Oak King God, since this is the time of year when oak reaches its peak power.


Midsummer was also considered a lucky time to get to get married. Newly-weds were encouraged to jump through the Litha flames to promote a healthy and happy marriage and young women were encouraged to stare into the flames to gain visions of their future husband.


As the Light reaches its peak, this is also the moment when the power of the Sun begins to wane. From now on the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, and we are drawn back into the Dark to complete the Wheel of the Year.

In Ireland, the summer solstice was dedicated to the faery goddess Aine of Knockaine, daughter of Eogabail of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Also called Áine Chlair (Áine of the Light), she is reputed to be a goddess of both the sun and the moon, and a love goddess as well. You can invoke her for love, fertility, faery magick, abundance, prosperity, and the protection of women and animals. 

  In Wales and Britain, the Celtic Welsh Goddess Cerridwen and her magickal Cauldron. Cerridwen is a goddess of inspiration, wisdom and rebirth. In Northern Europe, this solstice was considered the time of the Green Man and the Faery Queen.


It was said to be a powerful time for faeries, elves, nymphs and sylphs and to strengthen your connection with the fae.



Herbal Tea with Rosemary & Chamomile


Lemon and Lavender Shortbread

3 cups all-purpose flour

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp salt

1 tbsp lemon zest

1 tbsp dried lavender

1 cup unsalted butter, chilled

Preheat oven to 350F.

In the bowl of a food processor, combine flour, sugar, salt, lemon zest and dried lavender. Pulse a few times to blend.

Cut butter into large chunks and add to food processor. Whiz for about 1 minute, until dough has a very sandy and starts to clump together. Pour into a 9-inch square pan and spread into an even layer. Use a flat-bottomed glass to press down the dough firmly, creating as smooth a surface as possible.

Score dough lightly with a sharp knife, marking 4 rows by 8 rows of shortbread pieces. Prick the dough with a fork, if desired.


Bake for 30-35 minutes, until shortbread is lightly browned all over.

While the shortbread is still hot and still in the pan, use a sharp knife or a bench scraper to cut shortbread all the way through along the lines you scored prior to baking. Allow shortbread to cool completely in the pan once it has been cut.

When cooled, shortbread pieces should break apart very easily. Store in an airtight container.

Makes 32 pieces.

recipe courtesy of

Tussie Mussie – herb and flower bouquets.


Starting in the centre with a small but perfect bud, bind floral tape tightly around with tiny flowers, such as gypsophilia, alternating with sprigs of aromatic herbs. You can use fresh or dried herbs or flowers such as lavender, orchid or yarrow.

Decorate your sacred space, altar or your home with potpourri, seashells or dried herbs and flowers such as sage blossom, roses and lavender or decorate wreaths with ribbons, dried or artificial roses or sunflowers. The colours orange, gold and green are traditional.
However you celebrate this magical month, find your joy! 
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