Blog Post

New Moon Intentions Reading

  • by Claire Clulow
  • 11 Oct, 2018
New Moon in Libra - Tuesday 9th October 2018

These New Moon cards were drawn from The Moon Deck as the reading for the New Moon’s energy in Libra. They are a beautiful reminder on what we need to bring forward, how we can commit to this, where we can find our joy and what we can do to connect with our inner selves.

This deck connects you to the path of self-love and ritual, inspired by the cyclical beauty of the moon and the inherent wisdom of women. It shares insights on growth, purpose, transformation, practice, and creativity - with freedom for personal exploration.

The mantras whether thought or spoken with conviction and intention can elevate your vibration and perspective. Repeated three times vocally or silently brings incredible empowerment.

The rituals are entirely optional for you to do in your time and incorporate into your life however you want to. They can provide you with a deeper sense of connection and devotion towards yourself, accelerate any healing process you feel you may need, deepen your relationship to Spirit and create a sense of sacredness in your life.



MANTRA: I am of the earth and in harmony with nature.


We are forces of nature and carry the fertile, creative and elemental beauty of the Earth within us. We were born from it and are an embodiment of her harmonious cycles.

‘Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath and fire my spirit’, is a chant that we can all celebrate together. Like the Earth and all of her wild elements, you pulse through and permeate all that you touch. You contract and expand, gather and release, rise and fall. When you are harmony with nature you can allow this dance with less force and more flow.

Communicate with the elements and pay attention to the softest of whispers. Ground yourself in the soil and unleash your creative life force. Our beloved Mother Earth generously provides for us and is our sacred home. In respecting her lush bounty with gratitude and love, we reflect self-respect and healing for all. Together we are connected to her wise rhythms.

RITUAL:  Earth My Body

When we connect to the Earth, our entire system becomes grounded and nourished. For many of us, modern life requires more effort to restore our bond with nature so that we feel balanced.

Bring ‘earthing’ into your life on a regular basis to release tension and harmonise your senses.


- Go outside for a barefoot bike ride or walk in the forest, in the garden, near the ocean or in a park. Touch, hug, study, connect and speak to the flowers, trees, dirt, sand, pebbles, leaves, air and water. Zone in and get intimate.

- Practice yoga or meditate (you can practice the mantra ‘I am of the earth and in harmony with nature’) in nature, observe the sounds, smells and feelings around you.

- Bring nature indoors. Pick/buy some garden flowers and arrange them in a vase. Create an altar or sacred space with stones, pebbles, shells and sticks. Buy some plants or grow your own from seed to decorate your home.



MANTRA: I have unlimited potential and claim my purpose. All I need is within me.


We are each a vessel with unlimited capacity to express our potential. Our highest purpose is always evolving, shaped by our desire to move beyond illusions of fear and into our true nature of love.

Now is the time to fully realise your potential – it simply awaits your acceptance of it. The awareness growing inside of you is a result of the love that you have consistently given yourself. As you dissolve all feelings of doubt or defeat, step into this truth and sincerely believe in who you are. Know that the world needs your special gifts. Continue to strengthen your confidence, claim your ever-evolving purpose and give yourself permission to feel your full range of feelings. Al you need is within you.

RITUAL: Power Pose & Bee Breath

Body language shapes how we feel and how the world receives us. When we ground and expand into our body, our presence brightens. This ritual is a three-part sequence to help improve mood, increase confidence and calm anxiety.   Once you learn it, you can practice each exercise individually as needed.


Power Pose

Step feet slightly wider than our hips, rooting your heels down firmly and evenly. Extend your arms upward and turn your palms forward, with your fingers spread wide. Stand tall with spine upright. As your legs ground into the earth, close your eyes and imagine the sun rising from within.


Bee Breath (Bhramari Pranayama)

With lips sealed and chin slightly tucked. Inhale, gently and deeply. Exhale a ‘hmmm’ like a buzzing bee for as long as possible. Repeat 5-10 times. With each hum, increase volume and play with various pitches. Feel the vibrations each hum makes throughout your body and skull.


To Finish

Keep your arms up for five natural breaths and then lower them, cupping your hands in front of your heart, fingers forward and repeat the mantra: ‘I have unlimited potential and claim my purpose. All I need is within me’.



MANTRA:  Collaboration brings more sweetness into my life and into the world.


Collaboration brings visions to life and teaches us how to work with others to reach a common goal. We can pollinate the world with more beauty and abundance while learning skills of focus, cooperation, productivity, fellowship and alchemy.

The sacred bee is an impressive collaborator and brings vital nourishment into our lives. Bees work hard with incredible focus and cannot survive without their community and hive. They symbolise how the alchemical result of working together is a powerful process that transmutes something ordinary into something extraordinary. Collaboration is a supportive and necessary energy for you to connect with right now. It will open new pathways and help you to accomplish what may otherwise seem impossible while fostering more joy in the creative process. Open up, reach out and create something sweet and magical with others.

RITUAL:  Collaborate to Activate

Connect with one or more people to work with on a project. Your goal can be creative, work related or health oriented. Hold each other accountable and successfully reach the finish line together. Is it time to feed your aspirations with the combined genius of others? Is something in your life calling for more productivity? Are you open to inspiration outside of our own hive? Pick your ‘project’ and begin this week.

You might choose to manifest a vision you’ve been repeatedly thinking about. Choose the one that fills your body with a big resounding ‘YES’. Write a plan, set deadlines, create your team and make it real. You could volunteer with others for a meaningful and inspiring cause.



MANTRA:  I unleash my wildness and choose to be free


There is a primal and wild nature at the core of our being that demands to be heard. Sometimes we need to leap freely as the wind sweeps is into a vast forest. Other times we need to express our wildness within our community.

Wolf has arrived to remind you of your unique wild spirit and your ability to choose how you express it. She also represents a balance between your own needs and the needs of your tribe. Wolves are fiercely loyal to their mates and live in socialised packs. They’re also strong individuals and curious explorers. Choose what freedom means to you as you embark on a journey of personal discovery. As clear as the wolf’s howl at the moon, learn to hear your inner voice and unleash your wildness.

RITUAL: Moon Howling

Whether you’re entering a phase of the lone wolf or the loyal yet exploratory pack wolf, your primal voice and passionate instincts want to be expressed. This ritual can be done solo or with others. The moon can be at any phase, yet it’s especially powerful during a full moon, and it is next level to howl during a supermoon or blood moon.

  • dress like a wild goddess or show up as you are
  • stand outside where you can clearly see the moon and gaze into her glow
  • feel the earth beneath your feet and the air on your skin
  • repeat three times: ‘I unleash my wildness and choose to be free’
  • begin howling at the moon from the depths of your being! Move the air, awaken your soul and unleash your voice. Howl out your primal emotions, wild dreams and curious passions
  • let the powerful force within overflow. Then pause into a moment of stillness to feel and listen to all that comes up for you.

With Much Love💖& New Moon Blessings ðŸŒ™Claire xxx
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