Blog Post

New Moon in Taurus

  • by Claire Clulow
  • 13 May, 2018

New moon Tuesday 15th May 2018 @ 12.47 pm BST

Taurus energy is all about security and stability, especially when it comes to our health, family, and money. Uranus is also making its presence known as it shifts out of the sign of Aries and into Taurus on the same day! Uranus is the planet of great awakenings and change.


Under the May New Moon and Uranus’ move into Taurus, we are all going to be guided to activate and accept change in order to feel secure. We are also going to be able to tap into our creativity in order to open to the new possibilities that change brings.


It is sometimes necessary to seek it from external source, but true security comes from within and through accepting that nothing is guaranteed to anyone.


The only guarantee there is, is change, and learning how to accept the changes that come along is what May's New Moon is all about.


Everything in life has a beginning and an end. Every day we experience birth and death, and at every given moment we will experience the constant flow of change.

Sometimes change can be insignificant and big changes can shake us to the core and make us question everything we once knew and believed. It is life! Getting comfortable with change is the most powerful thing you can do so focus on creating stability in your life through the acceptance of change.


Surrendering to change, surrendering to the death and rebirth energy of life, can help us understand that everything is temporary, and we can truly find our peace, and security. A new level of acceptance and understanding.


We don't have control over everything that comes our way, we do have control over how we feel, think, and act. Focusing on what is in your control, rather than what is not, and become aware of your feelings, thoughts, and actions, and you will begin to feel more at peace with your life and open up to new possibilities.


This energy of change brings along a time of heightened awareness and creativity, when you can take this new information or new set of life circumstances and create something new.

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