Blog Post

New Moon Yoga

  • by Claire Clulow
  • 15 Mar, 2018

9 poses for restorative practice


I have put together a restorative yoga sequence to use to draw on the beautiful energy of the New Moon. Click on the image below to download this as a PDF document that you can print out and keep.
Here is a lovely meditation that you can also use to connect to this energy...



Sit in easy seated pose SUKHASANA on your mat, or the floor with a folded blanket /firm cushion underneath your sitting bones in your hips.

Cross your legs at the shins, letting your knees fall out and making sure your ankles feel comfortable. Rest your hands on your knees. Lengthen up from the base of the tailbone and feel a sense of reaching through the crown of the head as you stretch your spine upwards.

Keep your shoulders back and down, to allow space around your neck. Close your eyes, letting your eyelids relax and release any tension you could be holding onto across your brow. Make sure you’re not clenching your teeth by relaxing your jaw and softening your tongue. Now you can begin your meditation practice.

Bringing your attention to your breath, following your inhale and exhale. As you become aware of thoughts popping into your mind, simply let them go. Try to meditate for five minutes and build from there.

The longer you can stay in your meditation the better, and after you come back into your surroundings, take note of the first waves of inspiration that flood your conscious awareness. A good way to note this is to write it in a journal so that you can kerp check on how your meditation practice is developing and it is there if you ever get short on inspiration.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Much Love & Moon Blessings💖 Claire xxx
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