Blog Post

the jollies of July

  • by Claire Clulow
  • 12 Jul, 2018

time to reflect ...

Some fun facts for you about this month and how to embrace this transformational energy.


July is named after Julius Caesar as it was the month of his birth. Before 44BC, the month was known as Quintilis as it was the fifth month of the old Roman calendar. The Anglo-Saxons gave June and July the name Litha, meaning navigable or calm, referring to the sea and weather. Aefteralitha (after-calm) then followed.

Use the energy of July to meditate on your plans. Check in with yourself and recharge, strengthen that inner connection so you're prepared when you need it most. Sit back, pay attention and surrender to the flow of the Universe.

Don’t be tempted to forge ahead with any plans, go with what is naturally evolving. Follow your instincts, listen to your heart and be careful to stay in your truth.





Partial Solar Eclipse (visible some parts of South Australia) &

New Moon in Cancer 03.47 BST

Although you may not able to see this month's Solar Eclipse you will certainly feel its energy. It has a strong rebirth energy and is asking us to look within to discover what we need to awaken or reinvent in our lives. To ask ourselves what is no longer working in our lives, what do we need to transform.

Both July’s Eclipses are calling for us to honour the transformation from what we were and who we are, to discover what we want in life, what is important, so we can focus on our truth, our soul path.

This may feel uncomfortable and at times quite challenging but by embracing this energy and staying open to all possibility will allow the Universe to guide us forward. If we try to fight the flow or try too hard to stay in control it won't do us any good.

Allow this energy to take the lead and give you the answers you seek. Many planets are in retrograde around this Solar Eclipse, so we may not understand this straightaway but be patient and allow things to unfold.

It may feel like emotional energy rollercoaster ride that may hit like a tidal wave so be mindful that you keep your emotions in check and protect your energy from others and vice versa. This energy is also strong and nurturing energy, so it is essential to prioritise self-love and self-care.

Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible - Francis of Assisi

or as my beautiful Mum would say ...there is always a way!

Don't worry about setting intentions or which direction you need to take, just allow this Solar Eclipse energy to guide you and surrender to the flow of the Universe. Be prepared to ask, believe by accepting the answers you are given and allow yourself to receive the guidance you are shown.

If you would like a New Moon Reading to help you reflect and seek answers this month, pop over to the website and book yours now! 🌙


Mercury Retrograde


On 26th July until 19th August, Mercury, the planet of communication and truth, will go into its second retrograde of the year. The other five planets in retrograde are Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Neptune and Uranus.

Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap, but the good news is you can choose how to see it. If you look at it as a negative, then this attitude will bring you all the fear and dread you feel. Try looking at it as a helpful pause to reflect and this positivity will make it a psychologically productive time.

Only you can control your own actions though so if other people aren't putting positive energy into the universe during Mercury's retrograde, or unexpected changes occur, then you're going to end up dealing with their haywire effects.


The effects of Mercury retrograde during this season are likely to be amplified and you may feel more out of sorts than usual. During Mercury retrograde in Leo, we may be encouraged to think about new ways to be creative. Mercury retrograde is a time to go within and uncover buried thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It is a time to also dig up any subconscious thought patterns that may be blocking you.



Full Hay Moon & Lunar Eclipse

Hay Moon, Hewimanoth (Hay month), Moon of Blood, Blessing Moon, Buck Moon or Thunder Moon.

This Moon comes with a total Lunar Eclipse and is going to help us to clear things and wrap up lessons from our past.

Emotions are likely to be high, and there may be some big discoveries or developments. Secrets may be revealed, or tensions that have been bubbling beneath the surface could overflow and have to be faced and dealt with.


31st July

Lughnasadh/Lammas Eve


Lughnasadh (Loaf Mass Day) is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season. The first traditional harvest of the year. The undertaking of haymaking, breadmaking, handfasting and merriment of the celebration of the never ending flow of nature.


I’m getting to know a beautiful new oracle deck called The Faery Oracle by Brian Froud at the moment and this card jumped straight out at me when I first held these gorgeous cards!

Call upon the hobgoblin and faeries of harvested crops. The Faun teaches us about natural magic and that life is about process, not stasis. We are processes, not things. We constantly change, even when we resist, even when we think we are stuck. When natural magic happens, things flow almost effortlessly. Celebrate this and allowing the energy to flow through you by both giving and receiving freely. Let the energy flow – don’t push it, don’t try to control it, like The Faun... just dance with it.



Yoga Asana can help you reflect on your journey too, here’s a restorative practice that you can download to follow. 


Call for Rain

The Norse God Thor, known as the Thunderer and the High Thunderer, was considered to be a champion of the gods and an enemy of the Giants and Trolls. His symbols of his magick hammer, Mjolnir are still worn today. He ruled over strength, law and order, defence, oaks, goats, thunder, lightning, storms, weather, crops, trading voyages, water, courage, trust, revenge, protection, and battle. Legends say that he struck the clouds to release the rains needed for crops.

A brilliant ritual for this ‘call for rain’ is described in the gorgeous book, Moon Magick: Myth & Magick, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells by D. J. Conway.
Press ⏸️

Much Love & Blessings 💖 Claire xxx
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