Blog Post

Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse

  • by Claire Clulow
  • 26 Jul, 2018

Friday 27th July 2018

Hay Moon, Hewimanoth (Hay month), Moon of Blood, Blessing Moon, Buck Moon or Thunder Moon.


This Full Moon falls in the sign of Aquarius ruled by Uranus, the planet of revolution, inspiration, and change, with a total lunar eclipse. It is going to help us to clear things and wrap up lessons from our past.

Total lunar eclipses are also sometimes called Blood Moons because of the reddish-orange glow the Moon takes on during the eclipse. On the day of this eclipse, the Full Moon is also at its farthest from the Earth (apogee), so it looks a little smaller in the sky, making this a Blood Micro Moon eclipse.


Eclipses are known as the most energetically charged and mystical times of the year, as the moon goes through each of its phases in a short space of time.

The total phase of the Blood Moon eclipse will last 1 hour and 43 minutes, during which Earth's natural satellite will turn a spectacular red or ruddy-brown colour.


From start to finish, the entire celestial event will last nearly 4 hours, beginning with the moon fully illuminated and as Earth’s shadow gradually reflects on it. It will then wane to a crescent shape and eventually is totally covered, as it would be in the new moon phase. The moon then waxes back through crescent, then to a half moon, before illuminating totally as it was in its full moon stage.


Not only will we witness the entire month’s lunar cycle in 103 minutes… like a fast-forwarded replay but we will experience the fully amplified energy of the sun and moon while they are both in alignment, when these two spellbinding cosmic bodies reflect their energy onto everything and everyone on Earth so although it will not be visible in North America, the energy will be felt all over the world.


To find out when this is happening in your part of the world here:


Emotions are likely to be high, and there may be some big discoveries or developments. Secrets may be revealed, or tensions that have been bubbling beneath the surface could overflow and must be faced and dealt with.


There could be some important decisions to make that will require you to be patient with yourself and others, but also to remain true to yourself. It’s time to decide what is right in your life and what is no longer worth your time, energy or patience.

This energy will be forcing you to close the door on the pointless, so you can embrace all the various new opportunities coming your way. Change is never easy, but if this energy is making you feel anxious and full of fear for the future, reflect on the difficult events in your past that ultimately served their purpose to take you on a new adventure that may never have happened. It is time to trust that the Universe is simply guiding you in the direction you want to go in.


If you’re looking for a yoga practice for this month’s Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse, you can download the fabulous Chandra Namaskar/Moon Salutations here for free.

Full Moon Blessings

Much Love Claire xxx

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