Blog Post

Full Moon Celebrations & Ritual Guidance

  • by Claire Clulow
  • 19 Oct, 2017

completion and celebration ... 


On a Full moon, as well as the two days before and two days after, the illumination of the moon causes everything to feel magnified. It is a time to celebrate and honour our connection with the moon and the universe.

A Full Moon marks the completion of a cycle and used to honour our connection with the Moon and the Universe, through sending our clear intentions out there, for them to manifest. When the Moon starts to wane, this is the time where we release what is no longer in our highest good, to bring in the new. 

A time of completion and celebration ...

The powerful, intense energy of a Full Moon pushes you to take action on your goals. It is a time when those intentions that you set under a New Moon are brought to completion.  You can celebrate your achievements.  Some lovely ways to do this is to dance, do yoga, pamper yourself, take a long soak in the bath, toast marshmallows over a campfire.  You can also use the Full Moon's energy to manifest quickly, be of service to others, reflect on how far you have come or spend time healing.


After the Full Moon energy has passed and the Moon is in the waning phase, there is an ideal opportunity to formally release what is no longer serving us. All that stuff that we have outgrown and need to let go of can be released, in order to move forward with grace, love and peace.

The rituals held after the Full Moon Phase are ceremonies that show symbolic action by marking the transformational moment that we consciously choose peace and make the decision to release and purge any behaviours, circumstances, or attitudes that no longer serve us. They are also powerful acts that support us in gathering the strength required to release relationships, attachments or situations that we are involved in that are causing us harm.  


Practising rituals allows us to meaningfully affirm intentions so that they become accepted in our hearts and minds, along with acknowledging and honouring our connection to all living things, and appreciating our place in the magnificent web of life.

Here are some tips to help you perform your own ritual, or a nice way to do this is with like-minded friends 🙂

You can use:


🌟 Pillow or cushion, a yoga mat and a cloth or blanket.

🌟 Candles, sage, incense, or Palo Santo wood. Fireproof bowl or clay pot.

🌟 Fresh rose petals and bowl of water (optional)

🌟 Crystals (such as selenite or moonstone), rocks, stones, or totems


Write a list of the things that you want to release. To help you visualise, you can use photos or mementos that symbolise the attachment or situation that you want to cleanse and release the energy of. If you're with friends you may want to share your intentions, one by one, instead of writing them down.



I release..


all that is not mine

all obstacles in my path

all limiting beliefs I have of myself and others

all fear and doubt

all relationships that no longer serve my highest good

all attachment to outcome and externalised desire

all pain and suffering as a means to growth

all that is no longer in alignment with my highest and greatest good


so it is.

Here you can perform yoga (see my post for Moon Salutations - Chandra Namaskar) or do your own dance ceremony to cleanse and release any residual negative energy or tension. Then, when you feel ready, sit down and lay the cloth out and place your symbolic items upon it.

Light the sage, candles, incense or Palo Santo wood upon a fireproof bowl. This is a simple ceremony of clearing negative energies, so that the ritual is purified.


Ground and centre yourself by taking deep, cleansing breaths. You may want to chant softly or affirm your intentions of release. Say whatever you feel you need to. For example, you may want to say 'I release everything that is not in alignment with my greatest good. I let go of all that does not serve me across all time space and dimension'


You may want to add the name or word of your intended release so if you want to specific, say for example, "I release my connection to…” Do or say what you feel comfortable with and repeat the mantra for as long as you feel necessary.

Call upon Archangel Michael to cut all cords and with heartfelt intention, safely burn your list.

Remember to discard the ashes safely, into the Earth, in a suitable place.

Optional: Scatter rose petals in your bowl of water and rinse your hands to cleanse and you can throw this water away in the same place as the ashes to release your intentions to the Earth.

When you are finished, sit down, or lie on the earth below you to ground. Feel thoroughly supported by it, and allow the moonlight to infuse your mind, body, and spirit.

Finally, offer up gratitude for all lessons learned and the blessings of Universal energy.

So it is.



With Much Love, Claire xxx

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