Blog Post

Full Moon in Virgo

  • by Claire Clulow
  • 01 Mar, 2018

Friday 2nd March 2018 @ 12.51 am BST

This Full Moon is known as Storm Moon, and by other names such as Seed Moon, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Worm Moon, Lentzinmanoth (Renewal Month), Lenting Moon, Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Moon of the Snowblind.


At the time of this Moon, crows cawing signals the end of the Winter season and the beginning of Spring, the ground begins to soften enough for earthworm casts to reappear, inviting the return of robins and migrating birds. Roots start to push their way up through the soil, and the Earth experiences a re-birth as it awakens from its Winter slumber.


Virgo Energy

Tomorrow's Full Moon falls in the earthy sign of Virgo, the sign associated with thinking. Deep thinking and over thinking. Virgo thinking is often self-sabotaging however when channelled in the right way, Virgo thinking can be extremely enlightening.


It also represents strength and inner power to rise up alone by tapping into that inner warrior energy that dwells inside of the heart. When you do this you can heal, nourish and reflect on whatever comes up for you.


We all have a certain amount of Virgo energy inside of us, so chances we are all going to feel a sense of feminine power and strength arising from this Full Moon.


It is time to step out of victim mode and step into warrior mode and claim your self worth. No more worrying and procrastinating over every challenge or setback that life has given you. It's time to stop resisting what the Universe is trying to show you.


Spring Cleansing

Take your time and do this cleansing over the next few weeks. It will benefit you enormously on your spiritual path.


Spiritual Cleanse

This can be done using a sage smudge stick, or you can use Reiki or crystals. For a thorough cleansing use all three.


Body Cleanse

Take a cleansing bath with Epsom or Sea Salt together with some cleansing herbs such as Rosemary.

Place some in a Muslin or organza bag, with lavender buds or rose petals and allow to infuse in the water or if you prefer you can use Rosemary, Lavender and Rose essential oils. Submerge your whole body including your head and face under the water for a few seconds and relax in the bath for around 15 minutes. This will not only cleanse your skin but will repair your auric field too.


Material Cleanse

Clear out cupboards and drawers. Let go of what you no longer need. Clutter is a sign of negative energy and you want to remove any negative energies from your home.


Clear Your Clutter

Especially around your sleeping area. This is really important as when you sleep your subconscious mind is still active and you want it to have freedom to move in positive directions.


Chuck It Out!

Throw out old papers and receipts. Why hang onto receipts and statements from three years ago. Unless you need to keep it for the taxman, let it go.

Full Moon is wonderful time to work with magic too ...

March Moon Magic


The Shamrock (also referred to as clover) can rock our worlds with symbolic insight. They are remarkable survivors and can endure seemingly insurmountable challenges in their stubborn determination to live and thrive. Through droughts, substandard soil and ravenous goat appetites, the shamrock is a champion survivor. This is the spirit of Mars coming through – fierce will. St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic.


Other Magickal Correspondences for this Full Moon:


Nature Spirits: Mer-people, Air and Water beings who are connected with spring rains and storms

Herbs: broom, High John root, yellow dock, wood betony, Irish moss

Colors: pale green, red-violet

Flowers: jonquil, daffodil, violet

Scents: honeysuckle, apple blossom

Stones: aquamarine, bloodstone

Trees: alder, dogwood

Animals: cougar, hedgehog, boar

Birds: sea crow, sea eagle

Deities: Black Isis, the Morrigan, Hecate, Cybele, Astarte, Athene, Minerva, Artemis, Luna, Taranis, Thor, 

Manannan Mac lir, Cailleach, Frey

Power Flow: energy breaks into the open; growing, prospering, exploring. New beginnings; balance of Light and Dark. Breaking illusions. Seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt.


Card Reading

The Full Moon is a perfect time to find out what direction your path is leading you. I will be doing a Full Moon reading tomorrow for guidance during the month ahead using my fabulous Moon Deck.


Also this month we have an extra bonus of another Full Blue Moon March 31. This is the second Blue Moon this year. It is rare for two Blue Moons to occur in a single calendar year. It last happened in 1999 and won’t happen again until 2037. Blue moon energy can be amazingly powerful and is the perfect time to learn how to tap into Full Moon energy. I shall be sharing some magic for you for this Full Moon nearer the time.


Don't forget to set your crystals for a moon bathe under tomorrow's Full Moon.


For more Full Moon Guidance check out my blog:


Full Moon Blessings

With Much Love 💖 Claire xxx

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