Blog Post


  • by Claire Clulow
  • 10 Nov, 2017


How we show up in the world, the way we express our individual personality, is as vital to life as breath.   

It can be enormously rewarding or unbelievably annoying.

We express who we are through the words we speak, how we interact, what we wear, our hairstyle, what we buy, or through things we create such as music, writing or drawing. It defines our true character, our spirit and our authentic self, the uniqueness of who we are.

This is our Truth and we express this through our Throat Chakra.



There are times when we don’t even have to think about how we express our inner being to the world, it just happens naturally but sometimes, we will endeavour to express something and often feel disappointed in ourselves when we fall short of the point that we were trying to put across.


Do you ever feel unsure of how to access your creativity or inspiration, or not have a clue of how to express what you want to say or do?

Do you have difficulty communicating because you are shy, insecure?

Do you keep quiet because you think your opinion does not matter?

Do you ever wish you had said something to someone about how you felt regarding a matter, instead of walking away and feeling disempowered?

What is stopping you from speaking your truth or expressing who you are and what you are about?


Speaking your truth may be difficult because of fear of:

  • confrontation
  • lacking confidence, too shy or insecure
  • being judged
  • making a fool of ourselves
  • failure or rejection
  • not being skilled enough
  • not being worthy

Notice where you hold back and when an opportunity comes to speak truthfully (with love and kindness), take it on as a challenge and speak up. Practice this and you will find yourself becoming more confident when it comes to having difficult conversations.


The self is not something that one finds…it is something that one creates.

- Thomas Szasz



How well do you know yourself?

When you think about yourself, do you tend to think about your skills, strengths and talents?

Is there a part of you that you are not revealing to the world?

Are you putting your desires and passions on hold, waiting for the right time?


We often under-define ourselves, by status or the job we do, living life from a limiting belief system. We all have a version of the way we think of ourselves. The self-talk fairy, our ego elf, sits there muttering …’Who do you think you are?’  ‘You know you can’t do that, you’re just a mum!’ This is perfectly normal, by the way, we all have one!


Identify what core beliefs and fears are holding you back from your truth, then work through them to see what you can do to overcome them.


We are so much more than someone’s parent, partner, or the 9-5 job we do to pay our bills. Some people already have all they ever wanted and may be perfectly happy with their lot, but if you have read this far the chances are that you are happy but still want more out of life.



You can choose to re-create yourself at any time and define yourself in any way you choose to.  Explore other ways of thinking and being, and you may discover that you have hidden talents and passions you never knew existed.


Engaging in creative techniques can be wonderful way to get to know what you want to say or how you want your life to look like:


Tips to Try:


🌟 Journal - write about anything that is on your mind, put it on paper and get it out of your head


🌟 Keep an idea book that you can carry around, or you can use the memo or notepad on your phone


🌟 Mind maps are great for creative problem-solving, brainstorming


🌟 Vision boards can help you visualise how you would like to see your life


Be an observer of your own life and who you are. It is so easy to get swamped with daily obligations and activities, that time flies by. Make time to step back from your life and see if you are truly happy, what is filling you up, where are you focusing your attention, whether you are engaging your talents and pursuing your passions. Get to know what makes you jump for joy when you get out of the bed in the morning.  What is that makes your eyes light up when you think or talk about it?


Don’t die with your music still in you.

Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your soul.

- Dr Wayne W Dyer

Our responsibilities can take up a lot of our time and energy, but not fulfilling your potential is a tragedy. When you discover who you are and what your passion is, to not pursue it would lead to a great deal of regret and can have damaging effects on self-esteem and even health.


Start by committing to your wants and passions.  Set time aside to nurture them and do not let anything discourage you from following them.



Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.

- Rumi

Reality is a tough cookie but if you want to live fully in your truth, then deal with the obstacles and challenges that are blocking you. Remaining in a dead-end job, meaningless relationship can lower your self-worth. Take a good look at your life and the things that are making you are unhappy and then take steps to make positive changes. This can feel very uncomfortable at first, but have faith and trust that things will work out for the better. Everyone has a divine right to be happy and be comfortable with their choices in life.


It may be that you need to take a complete leap of faith to live life to the fullest, make the choices that honour your passions, and not settle for anything less than you deserve. Remember that you have the power to create a reality that will transform your life for the better.


Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.

- Rumi

You may just be setting out on the journey of discovering yourself, or others may already be where you want to be. This is your journey so there is no need to become better than anyone else.  The most important thing is that you are doing the best you can and the only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. Have fun, too!  You should be pursuing this because you enjoy it!


It’s not about trying to impress others either. It is about being yourself in your glorious divine authenticity. Owning your truth empowers you. No one can give it to you just as no one can take it away from you. It is yours and it is within you.

It is a power anyone can access and can be as easy or as difficult as you allow it to be.


You wouldn’t eat a meal that you didn’t enjoy, any more than would play the violin if you didn’t love the way it sounded. You don’t have to be the best person out there that is doing it, but if it is coming from your heart then you will be the happiest.


It may be something as simple as an outdoor pursuit you wished you had tried, like mountaineering, abseiling or jumping out of a plane. If there is something you have always wanted to try, then go for it!


You might not be perfect at the piano the first time you play, but does that mean you give up trying to play it? Have fun at the keyboard, explore it and keep practicing. You could be playing symphonies within a few short months or it may take a year.  Does it matter…the joy is in the journey! 


There are many ways to help yourself tune into your energy and live in your truth.  Crystals are just one way to do this. Check out jyoti holistics for a range of crystals, essential oils, incense and more for the throat chakra.


( 🌟* Namaste.  With Much Love, Claire xxx

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